Analysis of economic growth in the US 1815-1860

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The period between the American Revolution and the Civil War had great significance for the United States' economy. Although initially the economy seemed unstable at first, after the second war that America fought with England, the economy began to show considerable growth thereafter. This can be seen as the result of the cotton trade in the South and the eventual industrialisation of America, especially in the Northeast and later the West. From the invention of …

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…craftsmen adopting and modifying British ways to their advantage. Technological progress was also important and together with increased efficient organisation, the American market was able to expand. Of course larger markets meant reduced costs and advantages were taken advantage of, of the economies of scale open to them. Indeed the most significant development in the period 1815-1860 was the area of manufacturing with a recognisable version of a textile industry being achieved by the 1820s.