Analysis of Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" and William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" in relation to the Speculative Fiction genre

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As composers are continually and inescapably influenced by the world surrounding them, genres are born that reflect the social, moral and political ideologies of the time. Through an understanding of how genre is determined, it becomes apparent that the values and ideological assumptions encompassed by Speculative Fiction texts are the product of the context in which they were produced. Peter Jackson's film of JRR Tolkien's classic text "The Lord of the Rings" and William Golding's …

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…who mistake Simon for the beast "on its knees, its arms folded over its face." Simon's and Piggy's deaths and the shattering of the conch, represent the final destruction of democracy and victory of anarchy. It can therefore be seen that through the Speculative Fiction genre composers are able to reveal values and perspectives that are relevant to the time and ultimately proves that genres are textual constructions of the ideological climate of the time.