Analysis of Hector- "The Illiad"

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Belonging to the Trojans, Hector was a useful and skilled fighter in the war, and was said to be the strongest on the Trojan side. The mighty warrior believed in the fundamentals of war- killing for pride and stealing for satisfaction- and was a hungry fighter. Hector's will to kill was not as great as that of Achilles, but he was similar to Achilles in his war outlook. Hector put more time into his wife …

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…his decisions. Hector's poor family not only watched him die but also had to see his body suffer. Death was an important thing to the Trojans and it was morally destroying for Hector's family to see their son's body be mistreated. In the end, the body received proper burial and treatment because Paris begged Achilles to return the body. The Iliad ends with the funeral of Hector, and the temporary peace between both war sides.