Analysis of "Development and Validation of a Questionnaire for Measuring Behavior and Temperament Traits in Pet Dogs"

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Original study by J. Serpell and Y. Hsu, analysis written according to Intel Science regulations. Introduction Behavioral problems are among the most common reasons for the euthanasia of pet dogs in the United States and Europe. Of all dogs placed in animal shelters by their owners, 17 to 25% were given up because of problematic behavior. Many other dogs suffer from less severe but still undesirable behavioral disorders. It is thought that this issue might diminish if …

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…behaviorists. The behaviorists made their diagnoses as independently from the owner as possible to increase the independence of the validation process. However, additional studies are needed to completely confirm the validity of the questionnaire. Conclusion The factors resulting from this survey are stable, and they remain consistent in different populations of dogs. They do in fact measure the characteristics they are meant to measure. This questionnaire will be useful in screening dogs for behavior problems.