Analysis: William Cullen Bryan

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Essay Database > Literature > English
William Cullen Bryant's "To a Waterfowl" Analysis: By the title of this poem one can only come to the conclusion that the poem is about nature. Bryant loved nature as a young boy. The beginning of this particular poem starts out by describing the scene of what he is looking at. It almost seems as though Bryant is describing a sunset or the end of the day. Bryant them proceeds to describe the "fowler". The …

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…then speaks of a "power". This " power" that he speaks of teaches all animals and us the correct path to take. The "power' in questions can only be described as God. Bryant shows that God created animals with instincts that allow them to know where they are going and when to end their journey. He shows this by indicating that soon the fowl's journey will end and it will find a warm place to rest.