An essay using William Shakespeare's Romero and Juliet showing what leads to the main characters downfall.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Only fools rush into love without thinking of the consequences that come with it. For example, in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, one of the main characters, Romeo, proves that hastiness and love do not mix. His impulsive, romantic (idealistic) nature are factors that eventually lead to his death. Romeo's impulsiveness puts him in danger many times. When Tybalt and Mercutio are dueling, Romeo makes an attempt at keeping the peace between them (since he …

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…be unaware and uninformed of many important details and this leads him to his downfall. Romeo's impulsiveness, his way of doing things without thinking, and idealistic nature, the way he is only concerned with Juliet or before that Rosaline, makes the story end in tragedy because these both lead to his death. These show that hastiness and love do not mix, love is not to be rushed and that truly only fools rush into love.