An essay on "Globalization in the Eyes of Terrorists". What perhaps goes through the minds of terrorists.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Significant days in world history are like turning points of fate; people remember them for years and even decades later, telling each other over and over again where they were, and what they were doing and thinking at a specific moment in time. Those who turned on their television on the morning of September 11 around 9 A.M. Eastern time and saw United Flight 175 crash into the South Tower of the World Trade Center--the North of …

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…most successful terrorist plot. The stories of the emergency personnel--the firemen, policemen, security officers, emergency medical workers--offer us hope. They show how duty and courage can redeem a day that seemed to so many as the beginning of the end. The lives of thousands of people--secretaries, stewardesses, window washers, stockbrokers, chefs, bond traders, janitors, carpenters, and computer technicians--from over sixty-two countries intersected on September 11. Three thousand died, but more than three times that number survived.