An In-Depth look at Sound Pollution.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Sound pollution is a very real problem in society today. It affects our everyday life and our behavior, and can be caused by the smallest things. Sound pollution, by definition, is any intrusive sound or imbalance in soundscape brought upon by another sound (source 1). This doesn't necissarily mean that it is a particularly loud or harsh sound, as the characteristics of an imbalancing sound can be pretty much anything. When people's environment is sonically polluted, …

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…that seventy is fine, and up to seventy eight is probably ok. When working, workers are permitted to be exposed to roughly eighty or ninety decibels of sound pollution for eight hours. Higher is said to be extremely damaging. While we can and frequently do endure high decibel level sounds, prolonged exposer can be extremely harmful. A plain taking off, for example, is roughly 130 or more decibels. Enough to cause anyone to really feel it.