An Analysis of Ann Petry's "Like a Winding Sheet"

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
There have been countless studies to that show Stress, Frustration and Anger are related. In Ann Petry short story "Like a Winding Sheet" you can observer this relationship. First, let us study the title "Like a Winding Sheet" the words Winding Sheet means "shroud", this indicate the characters of the story could have a shroud hanging oven him? The story is told in a third person point of view it takes place in the Ghetto's …

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…nigger". As the reader of this story I came up with two answers to these questions: one is if a black man lost control on a white woman his life would be worthless and black on black violence was acceptable. My second reason is as human being we have the tendency to take all of our frustrations and anger out on the ones that we love hoping that they will understand and will forgives us.