An All-Time Filipino Favorite: Chicken Adobo

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
If the Philippines had to nominate a national dish, I believe that the Chicken Adobo would be the winning gourmet dish. With a unique taste made with the delicate mixture of bay leaves, vinegar, peppercorn, garlic and spices, it is no wonder that a lot of Filipinos use this adobo flavoring in a lot of Filipino gourmet dishes. Because the Philippine Islands lie on the edge of South-East Asia, the Philippines culture is absorbed from …

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…in the pot. My grandma made sure that the consistency of the sauce wasn't too creamy but not watered down. After a slow-cook of about 45 minutes, the Filipino main dish is ready to be served. The chicken adobo taste is a rich and flavorful mixture of sourness, saltiness and garlic flavor all at one. Because the flavor of the chicken adobo can be overwhelming, rice is always served beside any Filipino dish, including chicken adobo.