Amphibious Cars

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
<Tab/>Amphibious means able to operate both on land and in water. Amphibious cars could one day be an ordinary thing. Who wouldn't want the ability to transform their car into a jet-powered boat at the touch of a button? The history, production, specifications, and our personal design for a Lancer-Amphibian shall be explained in this research report. <Tab/>The history of the amphibious car is comparable …

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…water. Two popular sports-amphibious cars include the Aquada Gibbs, and the WaterCar. The WaterCar includes high speed amphibian jet engine, with retractable wheels, built in the USA. It boasts 125mph speeds on land and 45mph speeds over water. The Gibbs offers similar components, and supports speeds of over 100mph on land and in excess of 30mph on water. It recently set the record for the fastest crossing of the English Channel by an amphibious vehicle.