American Revolution

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Essay Database > History
The American Revolution was a conflict between 13 British colonies in North America and their parent country, Great Britain. It was made up of two related events: the American War of Independence and the design of the American government. In 1775, the commander of British forces, General Thomas Gage, sent out troops to Concord and Lexington. The mission was to capture leaders of the rebel cause, John Hancock and Sam Adams. The rebel Paul Revere, William Dawes, …

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…region. The Treaty Of Paris ended the French and Indian War in 1763. England, France, and Spain signed it. By the Treaty, France lost Canada and all rights to territory east of the Mississippi, while Spain, in order to regain Cuba, gave up Florida. New Orleans went with Louisiana to Spain. England held all of North America east of the Mississippi. The Treaty of Paris was a victory for England in the pursuit of global territory.