American Revolution

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
American Revolution Among the many complex factors that contributed to instigating the American Revolution, two stand out most clearly: England's imposition of taxation on the colonies and the failure of the British to gain consent of those being governed, along with the military measures England took on the colonists. Adding to these aforementioned factors were the religious and political legacy of the colonies, and the restriction of civil liberties by the British. Parliamentary taxation was …

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…was justified religiously by the Bible. Second, Britain had to take measures that would instigate and anger the people. They did this when they restricted their civil liberties in various Acts. Finally, there had to be measures taken that were so oppressive and unjust that it would unify the Americans to rebel against Britain, which happened when Britain taxed without their consent, and ultimately, when they crossed the line and killed innocent Bostonians in protest.