American Revolution

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Essay Database > History > North American History
No matter what it comes down to, the major factor for the cause of the American Revolution was the ignorance of the British. The irritated colonists were hostile towards the supposed 'mother country' of Great Britain as it tried to reconcile with them. Just as a neglected child would have bitter resentment towards its parent once the parent sought action, so were the American colonists. The cause of the American Revolution began when Great Britain …

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…have totally opposed the taxes. If the British had not isolated themselves with that they had began, the need for independence would not have been necessary, Thomas Paine wouldn't have thought of his brilliant thoughts as printed in "Common Sense". The colonists wouldn't have felt the bitterness and the resentment and the need for freedom only if the British had paid more attention to them, and had not given them the treatment of salutary neglect.