American Revolution

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Essay Database > History
The American Revolutionary War was a conflict between the 13 British colonies and Great Britain that lasted from 1775-1783. The revolution had many causes. Long-term political, economic and social changes in the colonies prior to 1750 contributed to the United States forming an independent nation with its own political institutions. The French and Indian War (1754-1763) also changed the relationship between the colonies and Britain. The Stamp Act crisis in1765 and subsequent conflicts led to the outbreak …

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…outcome of the American Revolution War was worth the hardships. America had finally gained its independence. Once independent, the new state governments were able to implement republican constitutions, while the Continental Congress directed the American war effort. A loose union was created in 1781 under the Articles of Confederation. Britain recognized its former colonies as an independent nation after the war ended in 1783. The United States Constitution was ratified in 1789 and created a stronger central government.