American Dream in history and The Great Gatsby

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The view of the American Dream has been evolving throughout the history of literature and society. There is no defined interpretation of what the American Dream should be. However, it can be developed based on the view of the society and the portrayal made by literature writers of that time. Historical figures, such as John Edwards, Ben Franklin, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, had depicted different views of the American Dream during their times in history. …

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…Scott Fitzgerald also epitomized the American Dream as the desire to attain wealth, love, and freedom through his novel, "The Great Gatsby." All of these people hope for freedom in life. Even the Constitution was based on the freedom and rights of the people. One thing will never change about the American Dream; everyone desires something in life, and will strive to get it. It is a tangible perfection that will come across to some.