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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Alcoholism is a treatable illness from which as many as two-thirds of its victims recover. Alcoholism is a family disease and affects not only the alcoholic but also members of the family. Society is more concerned today than ever to learn the true form of alcoholism. Today rather than treating it like a disease alcoholism has become more of a moral weakness, which causes detrimental problems for drinkers and their families. Alcoholism is a primary, …

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…provide proper treatment than ones that are not. Attention has been greatly increased in the field of alcoholism and recoveries are more affective than ever before. There is still much to be learned, and consentient research is the number one factor for recovery. The modern idea of alcoholism is more understood thanks to the research of experts and even society. Society must become more informative of alcoholism moment to moment to cure this chronic illness.