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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Alcoholism is an overwhelming desire to drink alcohol, even though it is causing harm. Alcohol is a drug. In the United States alcoholism is the most widespread form of drug abuse, effecting at least 5 million people. About one third of high school students in the US are though to be problem drinkers. Many already may be alcoholics. A person who is dependent on alcohol is called an alcoholic. Drunk drivers account for one half of …

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…as Al-Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics. We believe that alcoholism is a chronic disease and needs to be treated before it becomes too late. Most people drink for fun, but sometimes it goes too far and needs to be taken seriously. Because not just you are affected by it, but others such as friends or family. Please, drink responsibly and don't take it too far to where the authorities have to intrude on your fun.