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Essay Database > Literature > English
Alternative names alcohol dependence; habitual alchohol use Definition A illness marked by uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages that interferes with physical or mental health, and social, family, or occupational responsibilities. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Alcoholism is a type of drug dependence. There is both physical and psychological dependence with this addiction. Physical dependence reveals itself in withdrawal symptoms when alcohol intake is interrupted, tolerance to the effects of alcohol, and evidence of alcohol-associated illnesses. …

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…of alcohol for adequate function lack of control over drinking, with inability to discontinue or reduce alcohol intake solitary drinking making excuses to drink episodes of associated with drinking (black outs) episodes of violence associated with drinking interference with social and family relationships or occupational responsibilities behavioral problems such as missing work unexplained mood swings secretive behavior to hide alcohol related behavior hostility when confronted about drinking neglect of food intake neglect of physical appearance