Al Capone: Scarface

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
The Great Depression had strong effects on many families in the early 1900's. Many people were left with out jobs or homes. Most unemployed workers turned to the West, such as California, to search for new jobs to support their families. Once they got there, they realized that most opportunities had been taken. Then there are the others who took matters in their own hands. Revolting against the government became a new trend. The single …

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…apoplectic stoke. He regained consciousness and began to improve until pneumonia set in on January 24. Capone Died January 25, 1947 from cardiac arrest. Throughout Al Capone's life he continued to try to rebel against the law by bootlegging, speakeasies, and gambling houses. This made him a multi-millionaire. Using his connections and intelligence, Capone proved himself to be the single greatest leader of illegal scams, which in turn, defied the United States government during the 1920's prohibition era.