Al Capone

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Al Capone was an essential player during the prohibition era and is largely responsible for the growth of organized crime (mafia). Involving himself with mob leaders and eventually moving up the chain of power himself, he ruled the majority of business associated with crime in Chicago during the 1920s. Without prohibition, Al Capone would not have been as successful of a business leader as he was. And without Al Capone, prohibition wouldn't have been so …

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…was prospering in a grim time for >society. Between mob violence and the depression, most people were having >a difficult time, but not Capone. He was reaping the benefits. As his >profits grew, rivalry and competition became deadly, resulting in acts like >the St. Valentines Day Massacre. Al Capone influenced the prohibition era >in many aspects, which in turn shaped the growth of organized crime.