Al Capone

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Essay Database > History
January 16th National Prohibition became effective under the 18th amendment, which stated that American citizens were forbidden to sell or transport any intoxicating liquor. Prohibitionists believed that the sale of liquor was a social crime, the drinking of liquor was a racial crime and the results were of criminal actions. And quoted Lombroso and other criminologists to support their theory of liquor being the cause for the majority of criminal acts throughout the US. The 1920…

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…Crime Commission issued its first Public Enemies List; there were 28 names on it, and Al Capone's was the first. Capone headed an enormous crime organization that netted huge profits from the illegal liquor trade and he became a legendary symbol of the violent gangsterism of the Prohibition era. The public called him Scarface; the FBI called him Public Enemy Number One The name Capone evoked fear amongst many of those who were associated with him.