Air Pollution

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
What is Air Pollution? Air pollution is actually the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of the environment, human health and the quality of life. With the development in industry, came along the increase in air pollution, which occurs inside homes, schools, offices even in the countryside. Consequently there has been an increase in the death rates resulting from various diseases caused by air pollution varying from breathing problem …

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…an alternative fuel compressed natural gas (cng) to the diesel fueled public bus fleet. 2] Reducing the concentration of airborne lead in and near lead smelters. 3] Instituting air quality monetary of CAIP activities 4] Initiating public awareness campaigns. This unique project was established as a response to the Egyptian government commitment to protecting its environment. USAID is also funding demonstrations training and promotion activities to accelerate the use of technologies and practices that will reduce air pollution.