Air Pollution

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Air Pollution What causes air pollution? Air pollution results mainly from the incomplete combustion of several fuels, such as coal, petrol and wood. The chief sources of pollution from combustion are furnaces in factories, engines in vehicles and burning of trash. Thus, pollutant gases are mainly introduced into the air due to human activities. Basically, the industrialization of society, the introduction of motorized vehicles, and the explosion of the population are factors contributing toward the …

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…example, several types of devices have been developed to prevent harmful gases and particulate from leaving industrial smokestacks. These devices include filters that trap the gases and particulate that would otherwise be released into the air with waste gases. Various methods of reducing pollution from motor vehicle engines have also been developed. Examples include new additives to replace lead in leaded petrol, and devices to remove pollutants from exhaust and make combustion processes more complete.