Advertising Plan for Orange Mobile Phone Network directed at the UK student Market.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Introduction The objectives have been set to migrate customers from pay as you go to pay monthly contrite, retain loyalty and promote the other services which Orange offers. Firstly the database needs to assessed to suggest improvements for better targeting for direct marketing purposes. After selecting a potentially high profitable segment, media communication and methods can be chosen in accordance with the characteristics and traits of the segment. The message must be directed and implemented …

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…text, or the address below for the autograph. 3. The prize 3 MONTHS FREE LINE RENTAL when you sign up to out student contract. Here is the rest of the student deal: 1000 extra free text messages a month for four years 50% off all calls to all landline phones for four years payment holiday - pause your monthly payments for up to 12 months - if you decide to work or study abroad