Adolescent Psychology During The High School Years (Information based on Pruitt, David B. "Your Adolescent")

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
I chose the subject of adolescent psychology during high school years for my final project for Medical Careers/Human Development class, because I currently am an adolescent going through high school and am curious on how different aspects of a teenager's life molds his brain psychologically. When first entering into high school, adolescents enter into a new world. Their bodies and minds develop physically, mentally, and morally. They gain a new level of independence, preparing …

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…academic, and parental, pressure to perform well academically can be overwhelming. Sports, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and social life fill a student's schedule, making them constantly out of the house and in the unsupervised world. Parents might not realize it but teenagers are going through the final stepping stones of adulthood, both physically and mentally. They are becoming their own advocates, and through this time period of their life, they realize who they really are.