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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Section 1 i) Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before it reaches 'full - term.' This can be intentionally, which is called a 'procured abortion,' or naturally, which can be called a 'miscarriage' or a 'spontaneous abortion.' Both procedures happen differently depending on the trimester of pregnancy. Different people feel abortion has a different meaning. Pro-life groups believe that an abortion is murdering an unborn child, and no one should have the …

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… birth control as it is in our modern world. When people are allowed abortions under some circumstances, the people being refused will fight for their right, and eventually, more and more people will be let through the barrier, and abortion will be totally legalised for any woman in any circumstance. People should bear in mind that there is always more than one option; because I don't think anyone can ever justify having an abortion.