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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Are you worried about becoming a teen mother? One way to avoid this is not to become one at all, by getting an abortion. Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth. An Abortion results in the death of a fetus or embryo. An abortion may be spontaneous or induced. A spontaneous abortion is commonly known as a miscarriage. Self-induced abortions can be preformed as an operation, by a doctor in a hospital, personnel in …

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…Positions in which they cannot change or get out of. If it wasn't for the prejudiced, narrow minded, uneducated people with no experience towards this matter, the people who judge when they see us we would have a quality lives to live for and there would be no need for abortion but until then abortion will exist and you should except it, it is now a part of everyday life, as is eating or sleeping.