Abortion should NOT be illegal. This is a persuasive essay that shows the good that could come out of an abortion and why it should continue to be legal for women to CHOOSE to have an abortion

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Abortion, a word you have all heard or said. It is a word that has been in conversations and debates across the country. There is the pro-life side, and the pro-choice side. Abortion is a choice for women, not the government. Women today have the choice of self-determination, to determine whether or not they want to bear children. Religious leaders are trying to abolish the idea of separation of church and state by influencing the …

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…children that would grow up in an unsuitable home, who do one thing wrong, and get persecuted by the government that could have saved their life. The government has a choice to make: A choice whether to listen to the religious leaders demanding that abortion is wrong, or to listen to the women and children who would be affected by this law. You decide whether you think abortion is killing a baby--or saving a life.