"Abortion Should Be Illegal" Why should abortion be illegal in the US? This is a persuasive essay, which provides reasons why abortion is wrong and why it should be illegal.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
What would you do if you were a 15 year old girl who got pregnant? Would you keep the baby or would you have an abortion? These are all questions that go through most girls minds, pregnant or not. Abortion is killing a human, even though it isn't born, and it should be illegal in the United States. Even though it is a fetus, it is still living. It has every right to live. People say …

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…to hold off on sex. So if you are scared of getting pregnant and not wanting the baby then don't have sex. You have a responsibility. If you take the responsibilty of having sex and you get pregnant then you have the responsibility of raising your child. If you can't hold off on sex and you get pregnant then you have to live with your mistakes, and there shouldn't be any way out of it.