Abortion- Right or Wrong?

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A tiny infant emerging from her mother's womb, a piece of her, something she has dreamed about for a large part of her life. Childbirth can be a gratifying experience for willing parents, but what about the unwilling parents? What about the female who has found herself with an unwanted pregnancy? She has very limited options; she can be a mother, put the child up for adoption or have an abortion. Yet, in this day …

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…regrets. It is understandable why people would have moral conflicts over the topic, and that is their right. But it should also be the right of a woman to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. It should be their right to able to control their bodies and reproduction, and let them have the right to sexual expression other than that prescribed by social custom or religion. It is their bodies and their lives, so let them decide.