Abortion - The ongoing ethical battle between right and wrong. A rebuttal to a one sided arguement against abortion.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Abortion, a battle that will rage through this century, right or wrong, good or bad, religion or science? Well, let's capture the essence of the other side of the battlefield where the debate is going to be for abortion. Well, for starters the whole world isn't religious. A person respects everyone's religion not only his or her, but sometimes science clashes with religion. So don't take offense if it's simply stated, a ovary is an …

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…and the woman's power is used against her. It's not a nice situation but it does happen. Should she not also have to power to stop a disaster from happening and ruining her life? QUOTE: "Please don't deny society of its future." Well here's an interestingly broad statement....a society of 6 billion people can go on without that unfortunate victim of circumstance...think outside that tiny square you live in, this society is this world.