Abolition of Capital Punishment

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Abolishment of capital Punishment At present, there are thirty-six states in the United States and over one hundred countries that have legislation enforcing capital punishment for crimes of murder or rape. In Canada the death penalty was abolished in 1976, due to the fact that it infringes on the rights of Canadians as documented by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.1 Also, there was much influence from the citizens of the country to debate this very …

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…a disregard to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the question will never really be completely resolved. Clarence Darrow, a famous lawyer, sums this all up when he said "Questions of this sort, or perhaps any sort, are not settled by reason; they are settled by prejudices and sentiments or by emotion. When they are settled they do not stay settled for the emotions change as new stimuli are applied to the machine."20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**