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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Anorexia Nervosa Models are pretty and thin and are often taken as role models of success. However they must be underweight to look "perfect" on television and magazines. In order to be thin, they develop a disease called anorexia nervosa. Although anorexia and bulimia are related to eating disorders, anorexia nervosa has more background than bulimia. This essay states what anorexia nervosa is and for how long the disease has been around in society. There …

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…thinking and activities. This three disturbances describe mostly how anorexia comes to be and in which individuals develops. We can figure out that anorexia has been here for hundreds of years, occurring in those that did not seem to be satisfied with their appearances. It has passed by but not unnoticeable by society. Although this disease was developed in the mind, we know that is serious and treatment and patience is needed for the individual.