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Essay Database > Science & Technology
AIDS and HIV are becoming more and more of a problem in the world. In Canada there have been "14,500 AIDS cases reported and "50,000 Canadians" have come in contact with the virus. "5000" people become infected each year.(The Canadian AIDS Society 1997 [poster]) AIDS and HIV can affect people of all ages, whether they are "old, young, male, or female" (Basic facts about AIDS/HIV). People of all ages should have a general knowledge of AIDS and …

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…become greater with the heterosexuals (Kelly 1995 p.7). AIDS and HIV have become a very big concern in the world. In order to keep AIDS and HIV from infecting more people than it already has, is to provide plenty of information of how to protect themselves from this deadly disease. There should be television ads about AIDS and HIV on every channel. Everyone should have the opportunity to know all the general facts about this disease.