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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
The United Nations AIDS organization released disturbing estimates Thursday of the seemingly relentless expansion of the HIV pandemic. At a time when many Americans are increasingly optimistic that state-of-the-art drug therapy might eliminate the virus, HIV is taking a heavy toll worldwide. According to the agency, every minute of every day somewhere in the world, six people become infected with HIV: 7,500 adults per day and 1,000 children. About 30 million people have acquired the virus during the …

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…Africa, long spared, is now being overrun. Tests of pregnant women in the province of Kwazulu/Natal show a jump from 9.6 percent to 18 percent. In my opinion, I think that all the scientists of the world should get together and try to devise a cure for HIV and AIDS. It may take time, and it may take money; but I think it is worth it in order to save mankind from extinction and total annihilation.