"A streetcar named desire" by Tenesse Williams.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
One can only agree that, "A movie based on a Tennessee Williams play is a Tennessee Williams film." (Forster Hirsch.) If the words in the play and in the movie of A Streetcar Named Desire are compared, anyone can realize that they are almost one and the same. The plot of the movie almost directly follows the structure of the play. While reading the play, readers may have there own image of the main characters …

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…playing the vital parts and playing them well, and this is what Brando and Leigh achieved. By portraying these two most important characters exactly as they are talked about in the play, makes it that much more interesting for fans of the play and movie. I advise anyone who is interested in A Streetcar Named Desire, to go see the movie, read the play and see for yourself what you can get out of it.