A special place

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Literature > English
I remember as a young child every summer going to Minnetonka and visiting my aunt. Through these visits we became very close. She always treated me as if I was her own son. Staying in her house always brought me a feeling of comfort. I was allowed to run free and open the refrigerator, the cabinets, and change the channel on the TV just as I please. Her home even looked cozy and comfortable. The …

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…immense memories that will be carried with me throughout my life. These memories will be held within me for now, but passed on to my children in the later years of my life. This special place really helped develop my imagination. It affected me in such a positive way that not only did it help me relax and think things through, but it also helped me grow closer to the ones I love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**