A defense for abortion using standard abortion defenses against one another. good material for abortion in general. 1455 words.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
"A defense of abortion" provides a myriad of analogies in the defense of abortion. One in particular is given that I personally enjoy. The analogy of People seeds is hilarious, and on top of that makes good sense. This paper will explain the people seeds and put that argument in standard form for analogies. An evaluation will also be given and an assessment of whether or not the argument is either weak or strong. &…

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…no sense because at some point a child might be welcomed into this world by the mother. Correspondingly, this is like having a house with no windows whatsoever, and what kind of fun would that be? The analogies that were discussed in this paper are not perfect analogies, questions of morality are tough ones and there will never be a cut and dry solution. A grey area will always exist in subjects of this matter.