A cross-cultural comparison of political attack ads in Brazil and the United States.

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A cross-cultural comparison of political attack ads in Brazil and the United States. A Brief History of Political Advertising in Brazil During Getulio Vargas administration, in the 1940s, Brazil saw the dawn of political marketing. His title "father of the poor" seemed to be more in the minds of the masses than their own lives. Much of his popularity came from a radio broadcast he hosted, where he addressed to "the common people". However, It …

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…A & Rieger, Robert H (1992). Comparing Positive and Negative Political Advertising on Radio. Journalism Quarterly 69 (1, spring), 135-145. Griffin, Michael & Kagan, Simon (1996). Picturing Culture in Political Spots: 1992 Campaigns in Israel and the United States. Political Communication 13(1), 43-61. O'Shaughnessy, Hugh (2002). Scargill of Brazil Scents Power. The Observer, September 29, 2002. Mc Caleb, Ian Christopher. Bush, now president - elect, signals will to bridge partisan gaps. Cnn.com, December 13, 2000 (http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/12/13/election.wrap/index.html.)