A book report on how frodo shows courage from the Fellowship of the Ring

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The Fellowship of the Ring by: J.R.R. Tolkien Preface: Written by: Bilbo Bggins The main essence of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings is how good triumphs over evil. That all happens with the help of a little hobbit named Frodo. It takes immense potency for a diminutive individual to obtain the task of trouncing malevolence, and in The Fellowship of the Rings Frodo's gallantry directed him in the …

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…him to cause them. Frodo a small hobbit had so much courage and determination to always do the right thing. To him size never mattered and didn't stop him from accomplishing what he felt was the correct thing to do. He always thought of others first and fought with courage against evil. I could not be more proud of Frodo for I believe such greatness is acquired not something you are born with. Bilbo Baggins