"A Woman On A Roof", by Doris Lessing

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Doris Lessing's "A Woman on a Roof" allows us to understand how some men view woman: as mere objects for display and possession. Lessing shows how each of the male characters reacts and deals with rejection from a woman sunbathing on a nearby rooftop. We discover how three men's preoccupation with sex keeps them unaware of how their advances may be unwanted and ignorant of their action's possible consequences. All three men share the desire …

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…unbridled actions all the way because he knew no better. The men return to work the next day with a new distraction on their minds. The weather has changed suddenly and is no longer attractive to sun bathers. Without the presence of the woman on the roof there are no sexual thoughts to preoccupy them. For Tom and Stanley, the consequences of their actions are forgotten and only evident in their new levels of understanding.