A Tale of Two Cities

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Injustice Leads To Upheaval Throughout A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, the effects of poverty and injustice on a society are portrayed. The injustices Dickens shows throughout A Tale of Two Cities result in an inevitable war between the rich and poor among people. Injustice in the novel is shown through the ways the royalty and aristocracies live compared to the lives of the lower class. These injustices led to a bloody indiscriminate …

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…around her, but this excess of emotion she has later erupts among others into evil, as thousands are killed. In A Tale of Two Cities the rich oppress the poor in order to ensure their own wealth and well being in society. The peasants grew to abhor the upper class and eventually revolt against them. The injustices that the peasants endured lead to massive bloodshed that was known as the French Revolution. are so distinct.