A Streetcar Named Desire

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire is mastery of the use of lighting, setting, and sound to add to emotion and meaning to a play. Throughout the play, he uses different appearances to convey characters and enhance the importance of actions and dialogue. Williams constantly changes what the audience hears and sees to control their response to the action taking place in the play. By using different sounds, lighting, and settings, Williams is able to …

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…of A Streetcar Named Desire. By paying close attention to these fine points, the reader or audience member can actually draw much more meaning from the play. Williams obviously put much time, effort, and thought into the way a person perceives what he/she is actually seeing and hearing and worked to complete the emotional possibilities of the play. By working this hard, he has made his play much more interesting to the watchful observer.