"A StreetCar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams uses the combined effects of lighting, sound, costume and symbolism to influence and control the audience's response. The play is intentionally an emotive one. It evokes an emotional response from the audience that is not necessarily reasoned or logical. The response to Streetcar is generally a uniformed one. As emotional as it is, by the end of the play most of the audience feels the same way towards …

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…can be seen or read and then immediately forgotten about. It generally leaves us with a sense of sadness, sympathy, and a touch of anger, as well as curiosity as we wonder about the unspoken future of Stanley, Stella and Blanche. Through his use of human nature and his ability to get an audience emotionally involved, Tennessee Williams made A Streetcar Named Desire interesting and intriguing entertainment as well as a great piece of literature.