A River Runs Through It

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
A River Runs Though It The movie, A River Runs Through It, directed by Robert Redford, and starring Craig Sheffer as Norman and Brad Pitt as Paul the younger brother, is about two brothers that have a close relationship. As their growing up they both rebel against their stern minister father, each in their own way. This movie takes place in the entrancing mountains of Montana, with a magnificent river that runs through it. The …

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…daredevil Paul, using these tools. The director dramatically shows the distance between the brothers. Through out the whole clip the viewer is given wonderful clues to what lies ahead. The clip emotionally touches the lives of the viewers because they know that at any time that Paul is going to die and it will have a huge impact on Norman. The director did a wonderful job on using these tools to capture the viewers emotions.