A Review of "Run Lola Run"

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Movie Review - "Run Lola Run" "Run Lola Run" is a simple easy-to-understand plot which can be said in one short and sweet sentence: Lola must come up with a 00,000 marks in order to save her boyfriend, Manni's life. But the twist is, that Lola only has twenty minutes to accomplish this almost seemingly impossible task. It's basically a race against the clock. And time will never tell what might happen next. The scenario is …

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…anyone, not even my worst enemy. So Please do yourself a favor and save yourself the money and don't ever think about renting this movie! Trust me, you will regret it. Unless you like having to look forward to dealing with a massive migraine afterwards. So if you decide to go against my words and rent this movie make sure to bring along the Motrin and Aleve headache medicine because you will definitely need it!!