A New Iraq

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Law & Government
Now that the regime of Saddam Hussein has passed into history, the most pertinent question is what kind of authority will emerge in its place. To go even further would be not only to ask what kind of authority but to include what type of relationship between the state and the individual that it would have. Coming into the twenty-first century with no democratic history and little familiarity with constitutional freedoms will make this transition …

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…role . . . in building a society worthy of humanity."(§59) For any religion to exist, can only be through faith. That is why I believe this is the largest obstacle because if a nation sees such tyranny and hardships and loose faith, a 'society worthy of humanity' might not be possible with out the help from others. With help from secure nations, others too can establish a stable democratic government and a free-market economy.