A Man Who IS Almost A Man

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"The Man Who Was Almost A Man" Richard Wright Achievement of Manhood Growing up in the early 1900's was arduous. Families, such as Dave's, were challenged with the realities of poverty, and emotional conflicts. In Richard Wright's short story, "The Man Who Was Almost A Man," the protagonist's opinions regarding his manhood differ from his mothers. Those disputed opinions about personal experience, competence, and emotional reactions show significant differences when compared. Therefore, Wright is providing …

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…and incompetent seventeen-year-old boy that could not control his emotional anger. Furthermore, Dave is leaving on the "Illinois Central," (362) going away to "somewhere where he could be a man" (362). Wright's logical arguments convey the reasoning behind the title. Dave is running away from the responsibilities, which one must accept when they achieve manhood. Yet, If Dave would stayed and face his responsibilities he would not be "A Man Who Was Almost A Man" (354). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**