A Letter to Boxer (CA) Suggesting Why Medical Marijuana Should be Illegal. Written in block formation and limited to a page typed size 8 font.

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142 Patricia Dr. Atherton, California 94027 November 2, 2004 Senator Barbara Boxer 1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 240 San Francisco, CA 94111 Dear Senator Barbara Boxer: I am writing to you about why smoking "medical" marijuana should be illegal. In short, there are safer and more effective drugs on the market that lack the safety and health risks associated with smoked marijuana. Anyone who has conducted research about smoking "medical" marijuana is already aware that there is a safer form of the dangerous …

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…my typed name for correct block formation. 2. I cannot promise that these footnotes are in correct formation. I hate footnotes and I had several copies of this document, so i dont know if this copy included the footnotes with the proper format. 3. Feel free to take ideas from this paper, but remember, ripping the whole thing off of this website is a sure way to get caught cheating! Have a great day and God bless!